Mark's ToDo List
04/01/09 21:17
1/ Find a decent To-Do list for the Mac that will sync with outlook in the PC world.
I really should be able to work this out.
04/01/09 21:14
Perhaps a picture ion the blog may help me work out whether this is of any use. It’s either this, Wordpress or Blogger...
How can I decide the relevance of each without trying them?
How can I decide the relevance of each without trying them?
04/01/09 21:12
If there was ever a piece of software that I couldn’t live without it’s this.... Expect me to say that about quite a few other pieces of software here. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat.
If there was ever a piece of software that I couldn’t live without it’s this.... Expect me to say that about quite a few other pieces of software here. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat.
If there was ever a piece of software that I couldn’t live without it’s this.... Expect me to say that about quite a few other pieces of software here. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat.
If there was ever a piece of software that I couldn’t live without it’s this.... Expect me to say that about quite a few other pieces of software here. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat.
If there was ever a piece of software that I couldn’t live without it’s this.... Expect me to say that about quite a few other pieces of software here. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat.
If there was ever a piece of software that I couldn’t live without it’s this.... Expect me to say that about quite a few other pieces of software here. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat.
If there was ever a piece of software that I couldn’t live without it’s this.... Expect me to say that about quite a few other pieces of software here. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat. Duis nonsequ ismodol oretuer dolore faidunt, luptat aolore con secte dolesed st dolor sevelit er adionse agnisc aut landi gia niet, vendre feum veniamc onlutpatin hentip wisi ese dolesting lorero consecte dunt utpatin elipit nim, quation ullu prat.
Test Entry
04/01/09 21:00 Filed in: Testing Site
A Simple post to work out how the built in Blog software looks.